7 Excellent Benefits Of Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)

Benefits Of Parvatasana

Parvatasana or the mountain pose holds its place among the steps of sun salutation which is also known as Surya Namaskar. As its name speaks of the origin of the name, Parvat stands for mountain and asana represents the pose or posture in Sanskrit. Parvatasana is the pose in yoga that resembles the mountain therefore named as mountain pose- Parvatasana. 

Parvatasana simply connects you to Mother Nature while rewarding the Shadhak with a long list of health benefits. Being the base of Surya Namaskar sequence, Parvatasana – the mountain pose inculcate stability, strength, and flexibility in the practitioner.

Mountain Pose with Lateral Bend (Beginner) Video

Mountain Pose with Lateral Bend (Intermediate) Video

Mountain Pose with Lateral Bend (Advanced) Video

How to perform Parvatasana (Mountain Pose):

Below are the steps of Parvatasana- The Mountain Pose

  • Come in the table pose.

  • Spread your palms below your shoulders, pointing toes back.

  • Scroll your toes, press palms down and lift your knees up.

  • Your chin should be to the chest.

  • Your focus should be towards your palms, shoulder, and spine majorly.

  • Ground your palms and feet comfortably.

  • Breathe in and out relax.

  • Hold the pose for a minute.

  • Release the pose gently.

Visualization of Parvatasana, The Mountain Pose. The person stands tall with feet grounded, arms reaching overhead, forming a straight line from heels to fingertips. This foundational pose fosters strength, stability, and a connection to the earth, promoting a sense of grounding and mindfulness in yoga practice.

Benefits of Parvatasana- The Mountain Pose:

The benefits of Parvatasana can be described as under

1. Good Blood:  Parvatasana or the mountain pose takes the body in an inversion ensuring the blood flow throughout the body. This asana of yoga smoothens the flow of blood right from the tip to the toe. Parvatasana engages whole body to reach the final pose thereby infusing the rich blood to all the organs ensuring a healthy body.

2. Improve Posture: Parvatasana is best for the working folk who need a good and quick stretch in their time-bound schedule. The practice of mountain pose brings the tight and firm spine in a natural ‘S’ shape.

Parvatasana benefits the muscles and spinal cord by making them flexible and giving good strength to take the whole day easily. Therefore, Parvatasana or the mountain pose rewards the practitioner with a perfect body posture.

3. Coordination and Balanced Frame: The benefits of Parvatasana are just not limited to flexibility; Parvatasana aids you in restoring the perfect balance between Pran and Apan. This yoga asana sets perfect coordination and balance between the upper and lower body taking the human frame to a perfect equilibrium naturally.

4. Flexibility and Strength: Parvatasana encourages the human body to attain more flexibility in the body by loosening the firm muscles and tensions from the body strengthening the arms, shoulders, and hamstring.

The benefits of mountain pose can be seen in the lower back of the body as by the time and practice the practitioner achieves immense level of strength and flexibility that not only prepares the practitioner for higher possibilities but also shield the body with various ailments and injuries.

5. Organ Booster:  The pose of Parvatasana proves to be one of the best of yoga asanas benefiting the human race by boosting the organs of the body. Parvatasana engages all the organs ensuring a rich flow of blood to the organs to curb the lack of oxygen in the body and confirm the proper functioning of the organs.

6. Improves Digestion:  The mountain pose involves the movement of belly giving a natural massage to it that not only stimulates the secretion of necessary digestive juices but also provides you with a good digestive system. Parvatasana coordinates all the organs of the digestive system with the proper functioning of them.

7. Calms Mind: The rich blood is directed to the mind while practicing Parvatasana. Parvatasana besides rendering remedies to physical ailments it is a boon to mental hygiene. Parvatasana relieves the mind of any sort of stress, anxiety or mild depression.

In addition to this, Parvatasana sets oneself free from any materialistic discomfort and unnecessary attachments leading to the path of calmness and spirituality.

Also Read: What is Virabhadrasana Yoga (Warrior Pose), How to do and it's benefits?

Beginner’s Tip: 

If you are a beginner then it is possible to have less flexibility and due to a firm hamstring, your heels might not touch the ground. In such case simply bent your knees a little.

Bend your shoulder a bit down and try to correct your spine. You will find that when you do this automatically your spine will go up correctly and will help you in achieving the required flexibility by regular practice.

Before practicing the pose, strengthen your wrist to stay in the posture for long.


•    Shoulder injury
•    Blood pressure issues
•    Spine injury
•    Insomnia
•    Headache

Get Parvatasana or the mountain pose in your daily schedule to experience the health benefits of yoga asanas. Synchronize your body, soul, and mind by adding the benefits of yoga in your lifestyle to cherish the ultimate bliss of health and hygiene.

Read More: 11 Amazing Benefits of Chakrasana (The Wheel Pose)

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