Dr. Deepak Saklani

Utkatasana or Chair Pose - Top Benefits and Variations

Are you looking to add a new yoga asana to your practice that will challenge your stability, strength, and balance? Look no further than Utkatasana, which i...

What Is Gomukhasana Yoga (Cow Face Pose) & How To Do It? - A...

Gomukhasana, or Cow Face Pose, is a fundamental yoga asana that not only enhances flexibility but also brings a sense of balance to the practitioner. Named...

What Is Dhanurasana Yoga (Bow Pose), How To Do It And Its B...

Dhanurasana, often referred to as the “Bow Pose”, is a classic yoga posture that mimics shape of a bow. It combines strength, flexibility, and balance altog...

Best Yoga For Hair Growth And Reduce Hair Fall

Yoga enhances the circulation of blood in the scalp and improves digestion. It also reduces anxiety and stress levels. There are various yoga poses for hair...

Ayurveda Remedies to Arm your Immune System and Prevent Coro...

If you really want to give a good space to coronavirus and want to prevent it, you have to work on restoring the natural powers of your immune system.

12 Excellent Health Benefits of Sirsasana (Headstand)

Yoga has cherished a wondrous comeback in the latter-day. Yoga history speaks of the life-giving basics of this Vedic practice.