In this era of business, it’s high time to switch to some quick warm-up. The combination of 12 poses of Surya Namaskar proves to be a quick energizing yoga exercise that can easily fit into the time trouble. Surya Namaskar benefits the human body by synchronizing the body cycle with the solar cycle, which runs for approximately twelve and a quarter years.
Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is an integration of twelve dynamic yoga asanas and postures which are performed in a sequence along with the Surya Namaskar Mantra associated with each of the 12 steps of Surya Namaskar. SuryaNamaskar charges the body just by a quick yogic workout by harmonizing the physical cycle of the human body with that of the sun.
Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutation, is a dynamic sequence in the practice of yoga that harmonizes breath and mind, offering immense physical and mental benefits. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog) and Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) are among the postures in the flow that help to strengthen and stretch the muscles. Each stance is synchronised with the breath, which relaxes the mind and improves focus. Aside from the exterior benefits, SuryaNamaskar activates internal organs, promoting digestion and cleansing. This sequence promotes balance, vitality, and inner serenity, making it an essential habit for total well-being.
Surya Namaskar is performed by practicing 12 poses of Surya Namaskar while facing the sunrise. Sun Salutation Mantras may accompany the SuryaNamaskar. The Chants chime in the body, mind, and breath ultimately leading to spiritual harmony along with the physical power.
Surya Namaskar is performed in the following twelve steps:
Mantra: "Om Mitraaya Namaha"
Starting the first out of 12 poses of Surya Namaskar. Stand on the edge of your yoga mat, keeping your feet together in order to balance your weight equally on the two feet. Expand your chest and relax your shoulders. Inhale while lifting both arms up. Exhale while bringing your palm together right in front of your chest in the namaste or prayer position. This is the first Namaskar or homage you offer to the sun.
Mantra: "Om Ravaye Namaha"
While being in the previous position, breathe in while gently lifting your arms in the backward direction. Make sure your biceps are close to the ears. The only hard work you need to do here is stretching the whole body, in order to loosen up the firm knots making the body perfectly flexible.
While stretching, make sure you are reaching up with your fingers rather than bending backward. You can also push your pelvis forward to deepen your stretch.
Mantra: "Om Suryaye Namaha"
Exhale, bend forward from the waist while keeping the spine erect. While bending forward, bring both the hands down to the floor placing them beside the feet.
For beginners: You can bend your knees to bring palms on the floor then gently effort to straighten them until you achieve perfection.
Mantra: "Om Bhanaave Namaha"
While maintaining the previous pose, gently breathe in and stretch out your right leg back as far as possible. Place the right knee on the mat and raise your face to look up. Make sure that your left leg is firmly placed in the same position as it was earlier.
Mantra: "Om Khagaya Namaha"
While keeping the previous position in place, now stretch out your left leg backward, keeping your hands perpendicular to the floor. This will bring your whole body in a line.
Manta: "Om Pooshne Namaha"
Remaining in the previous asana, exhale and slowly bring your knees down so they touch the floor. Now take your hips back and slide forward resting your chest and chin on the floor.
Mantra: "Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha"
Now slide forward and come into the cobra posture by raising your chest upward while you exhale. Keep the elbows bent and shoulders away from the ears. This posture gives a forward stretch to the body.
Mantra: "Om Mareechaye Namaha"
To perform this step of SuryaNamaskar, exhale and lift the hips upward bringing the body in the pose of inverted ‘V’.
Mantra: "Om Adityaaya Namaha"
This is the ninth out of 12 yoga poses of SuryaNamaskar. To perform the Ashwasanchalana pose, inhale while stepping out your right foot forward and placing it rightly between the two hands and right calf perpendicular to the floor. Place the left knee on the floor. Raise your face and look up while pressing the hips down.
Mantra: "Om Savitre Namaha"
Coming to the tenth pose of the 12 poses of SuryaNamaskar, to perform hastapadasana, exhale and bring the left foot forward, placing the palms on the floor, you may try to touch your nose to the knees while performing this asana of Suryanamaskar. Beginners can bend their knees if find necessary.
Mantra: "Om Arkaaya Namaha"
Switching to the eleventh pose of Surya Namaskar postures, here you have to inhale while rolling up the spine. Gently raise both the hands up and backward making sure that your biceps are placed rightly close to the ears. Push your hips outward to complete the pose efficiently.
Mantra: "Om Bhaskaharaya Namaha"
This is the last of the twelve poses of Surya Namaskar. Exhale, straighten your body, bring both arms gently downwards. Relax and encounter the serene sensation of your body.
Check Out: Benefits of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)
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FINAL WORDS: This completes a round of twelve postures of Sun Salutation or the 12 steps of SuryaNamaskar. To savor the extreme benefits of this holistic package of 12 steps, you need to complete the twelve steps of Surya Namaskar dividing it into two sections, once you need to perform the round by starting with your right leg then in the second round you can start the asana of Surya Namaskar with your left.
When it comes to Surya Namaskar Mantras, you may chant the mantra associated with each step comprising the twelve steps of SuryaNamaskar, pronouncing them correctly. Chanting mantras can add up to the physical benefits, chanting Surya Namaskar mantras can bring immense peace and harmony to the body, mind, and soul.
The breath control while mantra chanting balances the overall body giving a bliss of spirituality to the soul. The sun salutation mantras depict the different energies of the sun, rhyming the mantras along with SuryaNamaskar practice makes the solar cycle blend into the physical cycle giving you all the powers of the Sun.
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